Autologous Blood Concentrates
Autor Arun K. Garg
Ediţia 2
Subiect Multidisciplinar, Implantologie, Parodontologie
184 pagini
520 ilustraţii
Apariţie 2021
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and its derivatives are a mainstay in oral and maxillofacial surgery and in other dental specialties. As the technology develops in this field, more and more formulations and products come onto the market. In the second edition of this bestselling book, Dr Garg focuses on the science, biology, and clinical applications of this natural biomaterial. Credited as a co-discoverer of PRP, he breaks down the science and explains how autologous blood concentrates work to speed healing and promote tissue regeneration. This natural, inexpensive, and safe material has enormous potential in a dental clinic, and Dr Garg offers clinicians access to information that is easy to digest and easy to apply. This book is thereby a roadmap to incorporating autologous blood concentrates into clinical practice. The early chapters focus on the biology of what goes on when blood is collected and centrifuged and reintroduced into wound sites as well as how to prepare the different formulations of autologous blood concentrates. The later chapters demonstrate how to use this material in implant surgery, soft and hard tissue healing, facial cosmetics, and other clinical applications to achieve superb outcomes. With a bonus chapter on phlebotomy, this book is the practical manual novices need and experienced clinicians value.
ISBN 978-1-64724-083-7
*Perioada de livrare 10-14 zile lucrătoare